Risc World 3
Risc World 3.iso
Text File
225 lines
Pigeons V 1.04 By Quintin Parker
The default keys to this wonderful game are....
Z - Left ⇦ - Left
X - Right ⇨ - Right
Q - Up ⇧ - Up
C - Fire Kpd 0 - Fire
P - Pause
Escape - Quit
You can redefine everything except the Pause and Escape keys, which you
can't really do much about anyway.
This game is a spoof off the very popular Amiga PD game, Bi-planes. It
took me about three weeks to code. A week of that was work. The other two
weeks of that were spent staring at the screen wondering why those damned
pigeons flew backwards all the time.
General Hints + Tips...
1) Take off vertically.
2) If you take your finger off the up key, you'll go down.
3) If you crash into each other, you both blow up.
4) You can't bomb the weather balloons, in fact you can't bomb anything that
moves except your opponent.
5) Try to keep away from the top of the screen, the reasons for which will
become horribly clear to you if you're there at the wrong moment...
6) Once you've taken off, you can't land again.
Version History...
First version which is just like the latest one except all the things
listed below. The only owner of this version is my DT teacher Mr Adam, so
count yourselves lucky. I think he melted the disc in an oven anyway.
Now runs at 50Hz! (Used to run at 6.25Hz ... )
All spelling mistakes of 'pigeon' altered!!
'Isn't it lucky cows don't fly' music added.
Says who wins or whether or not it's a draw.
Now a balloon doesn't appear at the same time as a jet for speed.
Blank rows on sprites deleted for speed again.
Bug in the hellos screen fixed.
When the player faces left the turd appears under his bum and not his
At the game over screen the backdrop is replotted - because of the way the
program worked V1.00 had pigeons standing in mid-air - very strange...
Some of the crapper 'Life's Little Mysteries' changed.
Icon made less sad.
Nrg pills added.
Libellous '$Dir' variable changed...
The only person who owns this version is Roberto Tyley, who one day
'accidentally' flushed it down the toilet.
1.02 (Released 30/04/94)
The Birdie Song put in but immediately taken out again because it sounded
Icon made even less sad than before.
New GTHS logo put in. The old one was a card castle.
An extra eight 'Life's Little Mysteries' put in.
Hellos bit at the end taken out because it still didn't damn well work!
Backdrop changed from a crappy sunset to the Grand Canyon.
Now checks to see if there is an ARM 3, if not it doesn't load the music.
House in the middle of the screen taken out, because it didn't do anything.
Credit sign put in middle of the screen because it's nice to have something
in a game that does nothing ...
1.03 (Released 23/06/94)
Redefinable keys put in. Thanks to Norman King to suggesting it.
Due to large amounts of bribes, hellos section put back in. Works now
(hopefully!) ...
1.04 This Version (Released ??/08/94)
Jets appear more often now.
Loads of things done that make the program five times the size but do
exactly the same as before, except make it a tad faster (like rewriting the
plotting routines for the jet and the balloon)...
...so I can put music in for ARM2s ! Hooray !
Control panel redesigned.
Solved the problem of amazing levitating pigeons from hell...
Backdrop changed again from Grand Canyon to the StarShip Enterprise. Thanks
Roberto Tyley for the pic!
Hellos section replaced AGAIN with a rather nice picture of a pig. Oh, and
some hellos of course.
Credit sign taken out, it was too annoying.
GTHS logo changed slightly because I missed a bit of the blue bars out!
Here's the address to send your mail to...
Quintin Parker
6 Manor Court Road Telephone (081)-579-0331 after 5pm on weekdays
Hanwell after 10am at weekends
London W7 3EL.
That's also where to write to if you've got any more of those 'Life's
little mysteries' you get when you press Pause.
Gilbert the Hamster software's policy is to make the first release of
their games as simple as possible, so that the subsequent releases are all
based on suggestions by the people who write in. I'll try to answer every
letter I get, though I may be a tad slow cos I'm still in full-time
'education' (I'm 14). Come to mention it, Pigeons is in V 1.04 and I STILL
HAVE NOT RECEIVED ONE LETTER OR PHONECALL! Even if you want my head on a
pole write to me and I'll try to arrange it - though you might have to do
with a bus-pass photograph (ho ho - oops, that's probably put you off)
By the way, we also run a multi-format playtesting service, send your
games into us and we will give them a proper review, with marks for
graphics, sound, originality, fun/atmosphere, sweat and gut feeling, with an
overall mark at the end. (Don't worry, we'll be kind!) The bods what
do it are...
Me + Roberto Tyley....... Acorn Games
Naveen Rao............... Amiga Games } Actually these two have
James Caldwell........... Mac Games } never written a game in
their lives
Also by me, in the Public Domain
CrossFire... Are you sick of all those windows and menus and icons?
Then blow them away with CrossFire !!
Billions and billions of musics! These include Mozart, Ochre, RVous-1,
A Winter's Tale, Nocturne, It Tolls for Thee, Lodestone, Alabaster...
Sink the Belgrano. The less said about this the better.
Look out for up and coming (£5.99) games from GTHS in association with Five
Star Marketing...
The Orb.... Your God given mission to save the most Politically
Correct planet in the Universe from a supernova bomb...
Think - "Is it actually WORTH it?"
Twyford.... Find out the REAL reason for the July 1994 signalmen's
strike. Then control Britain's entire train network
all at once...
Coming soon, Amiga and Mac flavours of this game....
This is a message for the attention of a Mr. Daniel "Slurpy" Adams of
I know I've said it before but you STILL owe me two packets of wine gums.
I don't know why, but you do, and you told me you do. If you think it's
illegal to print somebody's name without their permission, then you're not
getting your half a million quid until I get my wine gums, and if I get my
wine gums there's no point in printing your name is there? Oh and don't
forget, from September the 7th I start charging interest of half a packet of
wine gums a day. Just thought you'd like to know that.